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Kildare Place School (K.P.S) is a primary school under the patronage and management of the Church of Ireland.


K.P.S. is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of sex, social background, religious belief, sexual orientation,family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristic or intellectual functioning.  Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging, they are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.


The school is a community where moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nurtured and developed.  The justification of these values is based on Biblical teaching interpreted by the Church.


K.P.S. is the Parish school of the Church of Ireland Parish of Rathmines with Harold's Cross.  On occasions pupils attend services in Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines.  The Rector/Curate regularly attend school assemblies.


Religious Education occupies a central position in the school curriculum and is regarded as a core subject.  Generally speaking all pupils in the school attend classes in Religious Education which are based on the curriculum for Religious Education devised by the Board of Education of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland.  Copies of the curriculum handbooks may be obtained on loan for inspection purposes from the School Principal. 


 Roman Catholic pupils in first and second classes may attend special classes, which take place once a week after school hours in K.P.S. for the purposes of preparation for the reception of the sacraments for first confession and first holy communion.  Arrangements for these classes are made by a committee of parents which also arranges classes for Roman Catholic pupils in classes III to VI and which are conducted in the Roman Catholic parish of Rathgar. Meetings of the committee take place in the school


K.P.S. is a Church of Ireland school and, accordingly, the traditions and teaching of that Church inform the position taken in regard to moral issues, which arise in the teaching of secular subjects.  The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences.  The admission policy allows those of other faiths or none to become pupils.


The school nurtures freedom of thought and a personal relationship with God.  This is most evident in the teaching of Religious Education, and in the prayer life of the school community.

Holy Trinity Church Rathmines

Kildare Place School is the parish school for Holy Trinity Church. We are delighted to be part of the friendly and welcoming community of Holy Trinity.  If you would like to find out more please click here

Holy Trinity Church.jpg

Board of Management

The Board of Management has overall responsibility for the running of Kildare Place School. It's members are:

Revd. Rob Jones (Chairperson)

Ian Wilkinson (Patrons' Nominee)

Ian Packham (Principal)

Jenny Blennerhassett (Staff Nominee/Secretary)

Ruth Gyves (Community Nominee)

Derek Dockrell (Community Nominee)

Tara Lily-White (Parent's Nominee)

John Heffernan (Parent's Nominee)


Parent Teacher Association

The KPS Parent Teacher Association is a wonderful addition to our school with their dedication to working with the Board of Management and the teachers to ensure the best for all our pupils.

Please click here for the Parent Teacher Association Constitution

Image by Estée Janssens

School Calendar

Details of the  school holidays and closings for the year.

National Parents Council

Who are the National Parents Council

National Parents Council Primary (NPC) is the nationwide organisation representing parents of children attending early and primary education.

NPC is recognised by the Government and the Education Act 1998 as the body representing you as parents.

Their aim is to improve and enrich the education of all children and support parents to get involved in their children's learning at home, in the community and at school. 

More details on the NPC can be found on their website –






01 4978215

96 Upper Rathmines Road


Dublin 6

D06 XE18


School Roll No. 12755W

©2021 by Kildare Place School.

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